Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Macam-macam Tehnik Manipulasi Sport Massage

1. Effleurage (scrubbing)
According Rham Setiaji
This manipulation was used as the opening and closing manipulation in performing massage. Rubbing is the manipulation that serves to provide mechanical stimulation to the nerve endings of the skin, to help speed up the flow of blood and lymph to the center. So that this goal can be accomplished by either rubbing it must be done in accordance with the procedure, rubbing should head to the heart, The fingers should be closed, executed rhythmic and continuous, fingertips and thumb muscles surrounding cover. Rubbing given to the whole body, not just to do with power, but this manipulation can be used to determine whether there is hardening, strain, or swelling of the muscle.
Implementation rubbing on every different body parts to do it. For example:

  1.        on the outer side of the neck using both hands,
  2.        on the buttocks with the heel of the hand,
  3.        the arms using the fingers move up,
  4.        on the soles of the feet or hands using joints knuckles clenched fingers.
According to I
Effleurage tree manipulation in sport massage using the entire surface of the palm and fingers to rub the areas of the body width and thickness.

Image:  Effleurage (scrubbing)

1.1 The goal
  1. Hyperamie accelerate blood circulation of the skin and underlying tissue. Indirectly, there will be improvement of blood circulation in the tissues of the body,
  2. In this case, the effect of the reflector and biochemist play a part. Due to mechanical influences with their limbs rubbing on creating increased blood circulation and lymph current.
2. Petrissage (Pressing)
According  Rham Setiaji
Manipilasi Petrissage is to squeeze the muscles. By providing a massage effect of rubbing against manipulation magnified up the food leading to enhanced muscles and stimulate the flow of energy. Experts believe that massage should lead to heart disease, but other experts argue that massage should not be taken to heart, because the purpose of manipulation is primarily to relax muscles.

According to I
Petrisage the hand movements to lift or push a muscle using the palm of the hand and fingers.

Massage can be done using a hand when given in the muscle is small, whereas when the muscles are used two hands. On the one hand serves as a sucker and the other as the pumping. Technically execution may vary. A common mistake that often happens when giving a massage, especially for beginners who are just learning massage is:
a)       radius of not meeting each other,
b)       the fingers crooked include muscle, but bent,
c)       the hand is raised from the skin, but should remain in contact with the skin,
d)      do halting, when it should be done continuously and rhythmically.

Figure 1:  Petrissage (Pressing)

Figure 2:  Petrissage (Pressing)

2.1 The goal
When done hard in a short time, will provide a boost. If done with sufficient maturity, have the effect of:
a)       dehydration of the muscle,
b)       improve the exchange of substances in the muscle,
c)       maintain hyperaemi,
d)      increase muscle contractility,
e)       affect persyarafan, veins and membranes.

Muscles that get regular blood flow and good, rarely injured, for example tearing muscle membranes, the muscles are not perfect get blood flow. Therefore, it should be given at pre-event massage. If necessary influence muscle dehydration, should be given a post-event massage (after the event).

3. Friction (grind)
According Rham Setiaji
Friction is the manipulation of spin spiral movement from the bottom up back and forth. According to the park and a part of the body, then scour manipulation can be performed with a variety of variations, using the tips of the fingers, thumb or fist. Preferred scouring manipulation of the joints. To add to the pressure of heavy scouring the hands of one placed above the other. To reach the deeper layers can be used again thumb joint (interphalanges) and the other fingers grasp. Scours can be used as a tool to identify parts that are not normal.

I think
Grind with thumb (finger most powerful), fist, or the heel of your hand with the elbow tangang.

Figure 1:  Friction (grind)

Figure 2:  Friction (grind)

3.1 The goal
Improve the circulation of adhesion-bonding with the underlying tissue. Eliminating fatigue substances. Improve the ability of the movement of the tissues. Mechanically affecting connective tissue, stretch and separate the fibers, thus sticking-fibrotic adhesions occurring fat in the subcutaneous tissue and superficial muscle layer can be destroyed / removed.

4. Shaking (shaking)
According Rham Setiaji
This manipulation is given in the limbs, especially the arms and legs. In the technical implementation of this manipulation vary depending on the area where the dimasase. Shaking in the stomach just a vibration. Limb

shaken must be in a relaxed state so that the results are worthwhile.

I think
Represents the most effective manipulation of the process of improving blood circulation, especially in the spread of food juices into network-shaking drive jaringan.Manipulasi muscle fibers to be ready to face the harder task, without giving an adverse effect on the requirements and fibers the muscles themselves.

Image:  Shaking (shaking)

4.1 The goal
The aim is to provide a shock manipulation:
  1. to relax muscles,
  2. increase the flexibility of the tissues,
  3. keteganan soothe nerves in the facial area.
5. tapotement (hitting)
According Rham Setiaji
This manipulation is mainly given to sports massage, is light and rhythmic punch motion by hand. Sometimes done using a tool called a Tapotator, many forms, some of which use electricity while others do not. Applied to the skin or tissues under the skin fleshy.

According to I
Tapotement can use two hands clutching, punches performed using a thick piece of software or bottom side tangan.Pukulan site can be implemented with sufficient strength in areas along or above the steps of the spine ( vertebral columa ), will give a strong impulse to the the spinal nerves and nerve fibers.

Image:  tapotement (hitting)

5.1 The goal
To affect the function of the skin, subcutaneous connective tissue of muscles and nerves. Improve blood circulation arteriil, as seen through the red color on the skin indicate that the blood circulation in the muscles and improved exchange of substances. Improve reception sensitivity in muscle stimulation.

6. Walken (Walking)
According Rham Setiaji
Is a variation of effleurage manipulations.
Is used only for certain areas, eg waist back, with a view to further enhance decision-burning remnants of blood and can be brought to jantung.Utk Get better results then rub should be strong enough pressure, muscle-2 strictly 2 depressed and terperas.Manipulasi Walken given after friction, where many waste incineration pushed out after the eviction movement.

According to I
Hand movements rub the whole palm of the hand and fingers, alternating back and forth between right and left hands.

Image:  Walken (Walking)

6.1 The goal
When done hard in a short time, will provide a boost. If done with sufficient maturity, have the effect of:
a)       dehydration of the muscle,
b)       improve the exchange of substances in the muscle,
c)       maintain hyperaemi,
d)      increase muscle contractility,
e)       affect persyarafan, veins and membranes.

7. Vibration (Vibration)
According Rham Setiaji
This manipulation is done by tightening the muscles of the forearm and hand shake. To do this it takes a lot of practice and a lot of food energy. Instead of manipulating the vibrations found that using electric power tool that vibrator.

I think
Using fingertips or the whole site tangan.Getaran incurred due isometric contraction of the muscles of the forearm and upper arm, the muscle contraction without shortening or contraction of the muscle fibers, it is heavy and difficult to manipulate.

Pictures:  Vibration (Vibration)

7.1 The goal
1)    Live
a)       improving muscle function,
b)       stimulate the nerve that is very sensitive to stimulation,
c)       decrease in muscle tone,
d)      reduce muscle soreness after running or racing.

2)    Indirect
a)       increase in blood pressure,
b)       increase the vital capacity of the heart,
c)       improving the exchange of substances in the body.

8. Skin Rolling (Sliding folding)
According Rham Setiaji
This manipulation is intended to release the skin of connective tissue and vessels dilate kapilair (a) under the skin.

According to I
            A manipulation that uses handheld massage the fist and other parts.

Image: Skin Rolling (Sliding folding)

8.1 The goal
The goal is to memepertinggi tone and improve the exchange of substances and blood circulation under the skin.

9. Stroking (Massaging)
According Rham Setiaji
Using fingertips, especially the three middle fingers, thumbs or only depend on the area to be DiMassage.
Similar to the manipulation effleurage, distinguished only on the direction of movement made and goals to be achieved.
Stroking do with the uncertain direction, from bottom to top and vice versa, laterally left or right along the sidelines between the ribs or contours of other bones. Effleurage is a movement that is always moving towards jantung.Memberi calming effect, reducing pain affects the nerves and relieve muscle spasms edge.

According to I
            Using your fingers, palms, back of hands or hand book. Melulut movement is always towards the heart, performed continuously by adjusting the pressure. Weak pressure when done to the skin and somewhat hard to hard to subcutaneous tissue.

Image:  Stroking (Massaging)

9.1 The goal
The aim was to establish physical contact with the patient so as not to seem strange, with a positive impact on physiological metabolism speeds up and is perfect for a beauty treatment.

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